In addition to the database collector, Phil offers a number of other programs including:
1. Game Data Collector that will search and display “game best” stats during a season replay”. 2. BBW Usage Analyzer that “assist the replayer in determining how much or little the players are being used.” 3. StatMaster Editor that enables fans to edit replay statistics.
No historical game replayer would be caught dead without the must-have utilities offered by Phil Murray (click the image below for his website). with his database tool at the top of the list. Phil describes this essential program below:
“The Norwood Career Database is an application that works with statistical records from the “Baseball for Windows” product, or with manually entered (via Excel) data, and is oriented to multi-year record keeping. It provides the uers with a means of collecting multiple years worth of statistical data from BBW’s StatMaster, and querying that data in many ways.”
Thanks to the fine (and free) efforts by a number of fans, a range of game utilities and add-ons has been developed over the years that has helped keep the game up-to-date and one of the better baseball simulations. Here below and to the right are some of the best programs that have been created. These programs will either be available directly for download from this site or a link to a site such as Joe Sweeney ’s archived website at where they can be downloaded. Remember that most of these programs were made for Miller Associates’ Baseball for Windows 5.5 and earlier versions and won’t always work with APBA’s updated game of 5.75. Also, some won’t work at all with 64-bit operating systems. You’ll have to run them in an XP virtual mode and then move the files to your desktop OS.
At the top of any list of contributors to the game is APBA Hall of Famer Joe Sweeney whose collection of editors, viewers and utilities are essential for any game player. The programs include:
The Baseball Bundle which include a player editor, card viewer, organization editor and micromanager and stadium/ballparks editors; and The Baseball Utilities Package, a collection that includes 17 different programs including a: disk unscrambler, a master game symbol adjuster and synchronizer, a CMBA grade calculator/converter, a text importer/exporter and 12 other useful programs.
Joe’s site is no longer active or “live” but the “Wayback Machine” has it archived including many of his files. Just click the image above to be taken to their. Note: These won’t work on 64 bit machines.
Latest Free Programs
Utilities and Other Addons
Winter 2025
One of the better but less known replay utilities - one that I often use - is the Tool Box (two words) by Dennis Willett. This utility is best for updatng draft leagues without having to go through the lengthy process of adding teams and players to a new disk. If you’re updating you current 1960 draft league with a 1961 disk, just two clicks will update the organization moving the players from their 60 teams to the 1961 versions.. But the Tool Box does more including enabling users to create player “diaries” where each individual player’s game-by-game statistics can be viewed. You can adjust pitcher’s grades, Wizardize an entire disk, upload and download replay stats to an Excel worksheet and more. For more information on the various options click the “BBW Tool Box Help” file on the right.
To download the program just click the tool box icon on the left. After downloading unzip all of the files into a separate directory or folder and then run the setup file. Note: This will not work with APBA 5.75
Before the introduction of “Otto” the lineup generator in League Manager, replayers had to slowly create lineups by hand and then enter them manually before starting games. Not. Much. Fun. To make things easer - and far better than even “Otto” - Elliot Picken’s devised A-Plus, a terrific automatic lineup generator that did the dirty work for you. Even more impressive was that later versions allowed users to adjust the algorithms used to generate the batting orders. Great. And Eliot added other options such as the ability to assign separate outfield positons for each player. No more Greg Luzinskis or Willier Stargells in cernte fields. And Mick “the Quick” Rivers cannot play rightfield. We knew that. So does A-Plus. To download the latest edition (version 2.06) click the lineup image card on the left. Be sure to check the readme file for helpful information on how to best use the program.
In addition to the assortment of utiliites, here are a few other programs that you may find useful for your replays. I’m not sure who made each of these - if you know please email me and I can give them credit. SALSSN utilitiy is useful for draft league commissioners in that it enables users to adjust stolen base attempts as well as steal success ratings and letters in one swipe or “globally.” So, if your league has 100% limits you set the limits to that percentage and run it against all of the players on a disk. Those exceeding the limits will have their statistics and ratings “zeroed” out. To download the utility, click here: TEAM BUILDER is another useful utility for commissioners that comes in handy when creating future disks or seasons. Instead of laboriously updating team rosters from season to season, TEAM BUILDER will update a season’s rosters with one click. It can be a bit tricky running - the team names must be identical - but it will save commissioner’s a boatload of time creating new disks. To download, please click here:
A+ Lineup Maker
Steal Limiter/Team Builder
Dennis Willett’s Tool Box Program
Phil Murray’s Utilities: Norwood Career Database
Joe Sweeney’s “Makojo Software”
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