Winter 2025
Stadium Files
Sparky Anderson 1980 Detroit Tigers Connie Mack 1922 Philadelphia A’s Casey Stengel 1953 New York Yankees
The Digital Skybox
Manager’s Cards
Homemade Disks
The Digital Skybox
Member’s Site
The Manager’s Dugout
For the latest and most up-to-date free and for puchase managers and information on those programs the Manager’s Dugout should be your first place. Currently, two sets of free managers are offered (see below) with links to each available by clicking either of the selections, i.e., Draft Managers or Replay Managers . Other free managers including six Hall of Fame managers are available elsewhere on the page (see below right). run test games to see how they manage. Some programs won’t work very well with some teams; for example, nearly all of the Hall of Fame managers are poor choices for a draft league although improvements have been made to make them better suited for such games. Be sure to check the text files that are included with the managers for additional information. It’s also smart to run some “spring training” or test games to see how they handle your team. A set of 20-30 practice of “spring training” games with your “in season” roster, e.g., 25-27 or so players, should give you a good idea on how they will manage your team.. For those wanting more managers, especially for historic season replays, The Digital Skybox offers a 2024 manager’s flash drive that has more than, wait for it, one thousand managers or manager’s “cards” (you simply adThed these to a team’s roster). Every type of manager is available including draft league, specialty programs designed for Negro leagues or Japanese baseball, early 19th century games through 2023 and more. The flash drive both include user-friendly menus or pages to make finding the managers easier. Note: You do need to be familiar in installing managers. In addition, purchasers receive a free year of updated or new managers. These can be downloaded from a link on the drive. For more details go here: Information . The Digital Skybox version of the Online Managers includes access to all of the programs available above on the flash drive plus any new or revised programs added over a year. All of these can be downloaded individually or in one large file (there are more than 150 programs available including earlier releases). This version includes individual files or user friendly text versions of the managers that can be downloaded. The programs are assigned into separate pages based on their design or purpose such as pre-war replay, post-war replay, Hall of Fame et cetera. To view the main page click the image above to expand it. For more information and/or to purchase, click here: Online Managers . In addition to the managers mentioned above, separate links are available for the two most popular draft programs, the Buck Miller and Mel Herman quintet ( Millers are AIM, Hermans are non-AIM). These programs located on the right undergo revisions roughly twice a year. The 2025 versions have been programed for the 2024 MLB season and are free to distribute. Note: These are the final Miller versions. Remember to read the small text files with them for additional information on usage. Note: Both sets of managers will use an “opener’ strategy. Along with the flash drive option and online managers options above those who join the member’s only Skybox Suites website have access to all of the manager’s available on it (a flash drive is, however, much easier to use). These can be downloaded from various links on the site and includes any updates or new managers made during the membership. Access to the online managers above is included. One and two-year memberships are available. To join or for more information, please go here: Memberships .
2025 Versions
Six 2024 MLB season managers, one for each division, are now available for purchase. These are the finalized programs tested with the official APBA disk. These are all AIM only and the price is $10. Free updates are included. The managers follow the general strategies used including a very quick hook for starting pitching (many five or less inning outings), heavy usage of bullpens with very few complete games. To purchase the programs just click the “Buy Now” icon to the right above. After purchase you can download the managers. These are free to all members.
An all-new “adjustable” manager designed to manage OFAS, Hall of Fame or all-star type rosters is available. The manager can be “adjusted” depending on the style you wish to use, e.g., modern, conservative, 70s. This includes five types of pitching, “small ball” and substitution strategies and more. The program can also manage one game all-star type competition. The manager includes a set of manager “cards” and instructions on how to change strategies. This latest version is now free and is also available in the recently released Baseball for Windows 6.0. To download just click the image above. See the text files for more info.
The 2009 through 2025 Buck Miller manager annual editions (all five versions, I-V, of each manager) are all available at the archive. All future editions will be archived here as well. To prevent over-writing with other versions, the file names have been changed for each manager. That is the usual naming of the managers such as MgrBuck2 or MgrBuck3 has been changed. See the text files for more details on these new names and how to identify them in your folder. In addition all of the managers now include the years in their last names to identify them from other versions. E.g, Buck Miller I ‘17 or Buck Miller IV ‘20 or Buck Miller III ‘16 , et cetera. This will help distinguish them in League Manager so the correct version is being used. To access the archives a $25 payment is required. This will give you lifetime access to these and all future programs. Access to the archives is free to all Skybox members: see the home page on the right at the bottom of the page. After payment you’ll be sent to the download page where the managers are archived Note: The 2023 editions (all five versions) of the Miller managers are included in the archives. If you’re a commissioner you’re free to distribute or provide these managers to your league members. But please don’t hotlink the link provided with a purchase. Thanks.
More Options: Flash Drives
Latest Free and For Purchase Managers
Online Managers
Buck Miller/Mel Herman Managers
Skybox Memberships: All New Website Added
Adjustable Manager Cards Included
click above
click above
          ©The Digital
The Buck Miller Managers Collection
2024 Season Replay Managers
Free OFAS/HOF/All-Star Manager
$25 for Lifetime Access
2025 Replay and Draft Managers
2024/25 Buck Miller/Mel Herman Managers
Click Above
Updated! REPLAY DRAFT New!