In addition to the files and programs at this site there’s a members only The Digital Skybox Member’s Suites website that includes special “suites” or web pages. These various suites carry the latest draft and replay managers along with a complete set (25+ programs) of the most up-to-date Hall of Fame managers. Other suites or pages have as-played season schedules, home brewed disks - including Japanese and Negro League disks - ballparks or stadium files and a variety of Negro league files and managers. The site is a popular resource for fans of both replay and draft seasons. For more information or to sign up, just click the Membership Information link to the left or click here: Membership Info . Neither this site nor the member’s site are affiliated with or endorsed by APBA International, Inc . or any game company. All files available at this site, unless otherwise indicated, are freeware and may be distributed. Many of the managers include “biographical” text files outlining their purpose such as modern draft et cetera. It would be helpful to include those with distribution of the managers. Be sure to read those especially if the programs are revised. Information on the changes will be included there. Please do not piggyback or hotlink any links from here, thanks. For additional information on this or on any other matter feel free to e-mail me using the e-mail/contact link to the left (mail to: ). Please note the new address as well: we’re now If you’ve bookmarked the previous site be sure to update it
The Digital Skybox Member’s Website
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Welcome to The Digital Skybox website. This site and its companion member’s-only site, T he Digital Skybox Member’s Suites, has a variety of free and shareware programs and files for fans of Miller Associate’s Baseball for Windows and APBA International, Inc.’s DOS and Windows baseball games. Please see note on this below*. The files here includes a mix of managers of every type - draft, replay, cross era, 19th century, Negro and Japanese - along with deluxe or special season disks, a variety of CSV schedules, ballpark or stadium files and an assortment of utilities all designed to make your replays more realistic and entertaining. Some of these are available only from the member’s site while the others are available from the various pages here. To reach any of the pages, just select a link on the left. Everything on these pages, unless otherwise noted, is free and may be distributed to others. For more managers, visit either The Manager’s Store or The Manager’s Dugout . To join the members’s site see the Membership Information link on the Menu (also see below for more details). For the latest news about the website or the member’s site, announcements about new managers or files or sales of items offered here visit the Website News page first. Links to that page are on the left and, for quick retrieval, also at the top of every page. News for the member’s only Skybox Suites site is also there. Major updates to this site will mostly be quarterly: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. However, there will be other updates in addition to those so be sure to visit here periodically for the latest news; which can be reached here: Latest News .
*Disclaimer and File Distribution Notes
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Winter 2025
Negro League Baseball Files
Homemade Disks
Sparky Anderson 1980 Detroit Tigers Connie Mack 1922 Philadelphia A’s Casey Stengel 1953 New York Yankees
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Manager’s Cards